Dry Eye Care That Grows Your Practice
Did you know?
- Up to 50% of contact lens wearers drop out due to discomfort
- 35 million Americans experience mild to moderate dry eye symptoms
- 40 million Americans struggle with dry eye, and it often goes undiagnosed
- Dry Eye Care has a $1.8 billion potential for eye care professionals

ABB’s Dry Eye Portfolio provides solutions for this manageable condition with a collection of dry eye products that can be sold in your practice and shipped directly to patients, increasing revenue and retaining patients.
Not an ABB customer, but would like to learn more about our Dry Eye Portfolio and order products? Email specialtysales@abboptical.com or call 800.852.8089 and select option 3 for assistance.

Dry Eye Care That Grows Your Practice
Dry Eye Care That Grows Your Practice
Portfolio of Products

Eyeleve™ allows your patients to experience the ultimate in clean, moist heat from the first and only compress clinically proven to extend comfortable wearing time of contact lenses.

Europa Scleral and ICD FLEXFIT®
ABB offers the widest selection of scleral lens designs for your dry eye patient. These include Europa Scleral, ICD FLEXFIT® and more.
Jordan Davidson, NCLEC, COA
Clinical Contact Lens Consultant and Dry Eye Specialist, ABB Optical Group
With her extensive knowledge of contact lens and dry eye industries from both a clinical and technical aspect, Jordan Davidson, NCLEC, COA, will be responsible for clinical consultation services and dry eye educations for practitioners, staff and clients. ABB Optical Group’s Consultation team now offers a full suite of virtual education, lunch and learns, and real time virtual or phone assistance specific to helping practices extend their knowledge in building a dry eye practice.

Here’s what one optometrist had to say:
Patients who have already tried multiple treatments unsuccessfully are willing to do what it takes to find relief. That attitude is borne out by the per-patient-revenue of dry eye patients. In my practice, that figure comes to between $300 and $800 per dry eye patient, depending on the severity of the dry eye.I see about 30 to 40 patients per day on the days devoted strictly to dry eye. I estimate a yearly growth of 20 percent in dry eye patient volume per year and growth of about 14 percent in dry eye clinic profitability each year.
Paul M. Karpecki OD, FAAO
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