Mandell Seamless
Developed by Dr. Robert Mandell, this is an
ABB OPTICAL GROUP signature lens with proven performance as a Front Surface Concentric design. The unique transition zone provides seamless, "no jump" transition between the distance and near optic zones, which can be customized. This lens is also available in a reverse curve and in any astigmatic lens design. Patients view through true spherical optics for both distance and near vision, no prism required. The Mandell Seamless Multifocal is ideal for patients that have specific distance and near requirements with minimal intermediate. This lens is your sure fit design for existing GP single vision wearers. Your patients will experience an easy transition from their single vision lenses to a multifocal design with minimal change. The Mandell Seamless Multifocal will provide up to +3.00D in add power.

A revolutionary versatile lens design offering the most flexible, simultaneous multifocal vision. This multifocal contact lens provides consistent, predictable results while allowing you to customize the zone sizes and add powers to the individual patients needs. This lens is also available in a back toric design for certain astigmats and can also be used on some post refractive surgical patients where a multifocal is desired. The XTriVision lens is an ideal choice for patients that require distance, near and intermediate vision. The XTriVision lens will provide up to +3.00D of add power.

Featuring Controlled Zone TechnologyTM, this presbyopic lens allows transition from the distance zone through the intermediate zone into the near zone seamlessly. Versare is suited for emerging presbyopes and patients with up to 2 diopters or less of corneal astigmatism. It is great for patients that require optimal distance vision and will provide up to +2.00D add power.

Natural Vision
A translating, truncated/prism ballasted lens design. This lens has true monocentric construction to avoid image doubling and virtually no limit to the distance or add powers. Modern computer controlled lathing allows for crisp optics, thinner lenses and a minimum edge for optimal comfort and centration. Natural Vision Bifocal is ideal for advanced presbyopes and patients that have fi ne visual discrimination needs, which will be satisfied from the precise visual performance this lens delivers. This lens can also be manufactured in a round diameter.